Saturday, 1 April 2017

Mount Pleasant

Multi million dollar tear-downs and lots of empty houses and condos is the new normal in Vancouver these days. Here's a few from Cambie street, near Queen Elizabeth Park. Noblex Panoramics with Lomochrome Purple film @ 100asa. Pretty Sad.


Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Iona Beach

I had a weird knee mid-october 2016 and decided to "walk it off" at Iona Beach one day. It's a long walk out and back, about 8kms total. Nice walk, smells funny at times... A flight path crosses overhead about 2kms out, depending which way the wind is blowing that day. Vertical panoramics are Hasselblad Xpan w/45mm lens and Ilford Delta 400. The other is a Horizon Perfekt with Lomography color print 100 asa. The horizon is a little off on the first one, but I still like it.