Sunday, 28 August 2011

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

View from Mount Bute

Sneaking a peek off of the top of 9200' Mount Bute. I got in trouble immediately.
If you were to look at this link: (Mount Bute front face)
I was near the top of climbing route #2, looking out over the massive cliff.
Bute Inlet is the water to the left and the Homathko Estuary / Homathko River is to the right. Horizon.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Homathko Camp

Retired Log Hauler returning to nature. Homathko Camp, Bute Inlet BC. Horizon.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Friday, 19 August 2011

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Dave Cutforth

aka "cutty"
Long time motorhome driver on his last day at work in the film business. Vancouver BC. Polaroid 600se.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Battle at Hastings contest 2

My Man KK on the Mic with 360 degrees of skate contest around him. Klinkhamer in the BG skating the bowl. Spinner.

Battle at Hastings contest

As seen in the "Format Sampler" in Concrete Skateboarding's Photo Annual 2011.
Rob "sluggo" Boyce b/s air over the hip and into the bowl. Hastings Skatepark contest 2010. Vancouver BC. Horizon.


As seen in the "Format Sampler" in Concrete Skateboarding's Photo Annual 2011.
Swinglens cameratricks. Backpan against the swing. Horizon.

Pivot to Fakie

Mikey Klinkhamer. Hastings skatepark, Vancouver BC. Spinner.
Peep the video of this here:

Hastings Skatepark 2

Mindbender. Klinkhamer F/S Smith double turnover. Harsh camera shadow. Spinner.
Peep the video of this here:

Hastings Skatepark

As seen in the "Format Sampler" in Concrete Skateboarding's Photo Annual 2011. 
Mellow skate with Mikey Klinkhamer at Hastings Skatepark, Vancouver BC. Spinner.
Peep the video of this here:

Seylynn North Vancouver

As seen in the "Format Sampler" in Concrete Skateboarding's Photo Annual 2011. Spinner.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Woodwards Building

Pre-Implosion. It has since been rebuilt. Pentacon Six.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Coming soon....

Sorry it has been so long between posts. I was up near the top of the Bute Inlet, B.C. at Homathko logging camp last week. No phone service and Interwebs are slow and hard to come by up there.
Anyhow, I am currently sitting on a pile of skateboard related photos that I can't post until the release of Concrete Skateboarding's Photo Annual 2011. (released yesterday but I still haven't seen it)
If all goes as planned, I will have a couple of pages dedicated to the Horizon panoramic camera, the Lomo Spinner 360, and the Digital Harinezumi compact video / stills camera.
I will repost photos from the article here, so anyone interested can get a better look at my funny format photography.
In the meantime, here's a link to a skateboard video shot on the Digital Harinezumi, starring Mikey Klinkhamer at Hastings skatepark. Vancouver BC.